Spectrum glass started in the early 1970s and grew to be one of the most well known glass products, producing constant quality premium glass.
Today Spectrum glass is still manufactured and is owned by Oceanside Glass and Tile .
The many varieties of Spectrum products are available in the following families and/or categories.
Transparent Glass (Also known as Cathedral) - These simple glasses are the core of traditional glass-work, and are available in a selection of color and texture.
Smooth Transparent - Nearly texture-free, Spectrum Smooths are a classic choice.
Textured Transparent - Texture bends and refracts light passing through a Transparent glass,
amplifying the color while gently distorting background images.
Artíque - Alive with the surface striations characteristic of mouth-blown glass. Unites brilliant
surface characteristics, delicate light refraction and subtle but definite background distortion.
Waterglass - Transparent colors with a natural surface texture The result is gentle waves that resemble the surface of water.
Rough Rolled - Transparent products have a subtle, delicate texturing that gently mutes
transmitted light and images. Like table-rolled glasses of years gone by.
Baroque - A "reamy" glass, produced by combining glasses of mis-matched compositions.
The glasses "oppose" each other when they are stirred, creating 3-D swirls.
Clear Textures - Texture is useful for achieving varying degrees of privacy, while adding elegance and richness to any glass panel.
“Classic” Variegated Mixes - One or more transparent glasses combined with white opalescent glass to create a variegated, multi-colored sheet. Available with varying degrees of light transmission categorized as Wispy, Translucent, and Semi-Translucent.
Pearl Opal Art Mix - Stunning multi-color blends with the unmistakably luminescent Pearl glow.
Solid Opalescent - Solid color, opalescent glasses. These non-variegated products are highly
reflective in nature and thus especially popular for mosaic and mural application.
Silver Coats - Unique art glass products with a bright, reflective silver-coat to one side
OpalArt - Created when disparate glasses are stirred together onto an opalescent base.
Spirit - Sweeping comets of color on either a clear or Firelight base
creates a distinct, mouth-blown look.
Crystal Opal - Translucent, ghostly quality of Crystal Opals distinguishes them from more common opalescent products.
System 96 - Formulated and "Tested Compatible" for fusing, slumping and other hot glass work.
Aventurine - A System 96 product that, when fired, releases a galaxy of dazzling metallic flakes imbedded within the glass.
Iridescent Glass - A thin layer of metallic crystal has been bonded to these glasses during sheet forming, creating a colorful, shimmering surface effect.
As we sell out of the old art glass range of Spectrum, we are changing over to Oceanside Compatible - System 96 and these glass products will increases over time being available from our High Wycombe Factory.
Please view our shopping cart to see the different glass available in hobby square sizes ,colors, textures and types available in each to purchase.
Should you require larger sheet these are available for collection only.
Please contact us for availability
(08) 9454 8239.
Wholesale supplies are available for art glass business.
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